Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What i did on January 24, 2010!

On saturday i went out with my sister brenda, my cousin betty, and my other cousin luis. They took me out to the dance and i took a piture with--> leticia (first left side), betty (second in middle), and me (third on left side)! Had so much fun danced alot to!!

My semester goal revised..

I have no real idea of how i have come to this comclusion, but i would really like to play the cello again. I used to think it was a waste of my time, but i heard Shinku No Fatalism by Kanon Wakeshima and i was how to put it really inspired. Even if i wont be able to master the cello like her i would really lovw to play.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

what i look for in friends

To be honest i dont really look fir anything in my friends. I could actually care less who my friends are, and thats because as time flows the chains that tie one another will begin to rust, or a link will break causing it all to come tumbling down. I do have friends right now, and i dont actually how long we wil be friends. I can be for years to come, or maybe tomarrow we will be in a fight. I choose to befriend those who will befriend me back. I do not care if its someone whos really smart, or some one really dumb. If they are popular or not. If they are loud as a gorilla or quiet as a mouse, as long as they will be my friends ill be theres. The end.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

my semester serious life.

my semester goal is to go and eat some french fries. and have a taco, if possible=]
i also have a great desire to purchase a scorpion=]